’Made in Türkiye’’ Perception Changed by EFFE

EFFE leadership in textiles both locally and globally with its technology capability and user-friendly approach for various services.

  07 September 2021 09:21 Tuesday
’Made in Türkiye’’ Perception Changed by EFFE

EFFE Endüstri sets its future direction with its sustainability efforts and with its innovative solutions in every effort as it have always been the case and offering high value-added goods and services to stay competitive in the market for the companies’ integrating manufacturing lines from yarn to apparel and supporting them to minimize their production costs. EFFE, in a short period of time, has become one of the leading textile machinery and machinery accessories manufacturers in Turkey and around the world with its technological capability and user-friendly solutions directed at end-users and several domestic and foreign machine manufacturers and its long-standing expertise in machinery import. We interviewed with İhsan Mokanoğlu, the Managing Partner of EFFE that has been the leaders of the sector about the major developments and about the latest works of EFFE.

Perception of European Machinery Has Changed

While Mokanoğlu summing up the years of development the sector has gone through and shared the following, ‘’ 'The machines developed by European-based machinery manufacturers, who have been pioneers in offering the best technology for many years, they have been the primary choice due to its competitiveness both in Turkey and in other countries specializing in textiles, and even in the purchasing preferences of the giants of the textile industry, European origin machines were the decisive element in the delivery of orders to textile manufacturers. Turkish textile machinery manufacturers whom have made a progress recently in early 2000’s, whom were struggling to enter into textile manufacturing markets and whom were facing difficulty in delivering orders, that all were resulted in the damage towards positive outlook to the ’Made in Türkiye’’ based textile machinery. With the perception on Turkish machinery to have never reached desired capacity, development strategies were formulated under the market expectations with the consideration given to the savings but these have never been instrumental in increasing their world share in the market.’’ said Mokanoğlu and continued with the following, ‘’I guess most of our sector partner may have heard of these phrases made prevalent by the several domestic and foreign clients as cliché’’ as such ‘’We should prefer European machinery in our initial investments attached to new projects’ or ‘’Unfortunately we have some negative experiences with Turkish based machinery having a negative impact on our evaluations about them’’ or ‘’Why your set prices are above the market value? As you are also operating as domestic machinery importer ranking you in a price range same as other machinery manufacturers!’’

We have known from our experience that several company representative partnering similar topics but I would like to emphasize on a significant point as well said Mokanoğlu and shared the following, ‘’Whatever conditions on our way or whatever difficulties we are facing, our first and foremost target should be the technology production, designing machinery for distinctiveness, without lowering manufacturing costs considering marketing and promotion investment, R&D, human resources budgets accurately and at the same time putting human capability, technology and quality at the top of our efforts in every level of investment.’’

Price-Performance Expectations Must Meet Global Standards

Instead of designing machinery with the cost-consideration, developing machinery expected to meet price-performance expectations at global level, with the focal point given to the total quality, with the concept of sustainable quality applied on each for various clients both domestically and globally by bringing advantages about production, energy savings and so on; so, we should manufacture machinery requiring our expertise about our local perception is not a requirement but something we must achieve.’’

While mentioning about their dependency on European machinery manufacturers as their said advantage, Mokanoğlu said the following, ‘’In comparison to European companies, our main strength lies on our manageable workforce. Raw material costs, price of goods, costs related to logistics and finance are almost at the same with several machinery importers. As a matter of fact, European companies are expert at textile manufacturing but due to the manageable workforce with the preference on manageable workforce at developing countries, the aim set to manufacture goods with price-consideration. With their long-years of experience in machinery, technology development and production, with the level they have reached in local perception, should set as an example entails stages they passed through to reach desired success level and we should make ourselves ready for manufacturing machinery provide added value rather than machinery with cost-consideration.’’

The Accomplishment of Turkish Machinery Industrialists

While underlining the successful works made possible by domestic textile machinery manufacturers both locally and globally recently, Mokanoğlu said, ‘’We were getting positive responses from European importers with the sales figures in Turkish market relate to dyeing and finishing machinery a few years ago, it is an apparent success of the Turkish machinery industry that they have become indispensable to place specific orders that they have received on an annual basis.’’

Mokanoğlu, ‘’ EFFE Ram Machines can produce and deliver around 65-70 stenter machines on a yearly basis as these machinery are a subject of production, these figures still stand at % 45 per cent when we talk about delivery to Turkey. While taking into account remaining stenter machinery manufacturars, around 175-200 stenter machinery are supplied by domestic uzers considered to be the major demand of Turkish textile industry. However, European-based machinery numbers could only make up % 10 of it. Conversely, this is true for all dyeing finishing machinery.’’

Quality Manufacturing Earns

Giving ranks amongst the nations with machinery manufacturing technology, India can be said to be the toughest markets for Turkish machinery manufacturers, and especially making exports to China as market that has been the world’s largest textile producer, we may say nearly impossible. The reason behind is the presence of domestic machinery industry and the reach of expertise and production in certain machinery range as available in Turkey. We meet with a reality within the challenging pandemic saying that we should be self-capable more than ever. Thus, excluding specific certain product groups because they are not in large quantities, falling apart machinery technology development because they are costly and similar false notions should not be the case for us at all as we should via improving our current standards should   manufacture innovative machinery and should expand our level of expertise as of our main targets, but at that level, we require textile industrialists and domestic machinery importers to place more of their support.’’

Achieving the success we have reached in in dyeing and finishing machines in other machinery range can only be achievable with the support of local textile industry representatives and we believe that we should make our plans for the future altogether as a manufacturer and as end-users.

The world is changing, so expectations are growing, but the quality expectation has always been existed. It should be our vision to determine the future by making good use of the advantages we have, specializing in machines that produce added value and provide advantages to users from different angles, instead of making designs to come up with the cheapest.’’

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